This Modern Slavery Statement is made in accordance with the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and outlines Orderly Limited’s commitment to preventing modern slavery and human trafficking in all aspects of our business operations. We recognise our responsibility to take a robust approach to this issue and are committed to ensuring the highest standards of ethical conduct in our operations, supply chains, and partnerships. This statement sets out the steps we have taken and will continue to take to identify, prevent, and address any form of modern slavery and human trafficking within our organisation and supply chains.
Our business and organisational structure
Orderly Limited is a UK-based technology company specialising in software products and software development. Our operations span internationally, across EMEA, APAC, LATAM and NA. We are committed to providing a fair and respectful working environment for our employees, and we adhere to all applicable laws and regulations in the jurisdictions where we operate.
Our policies on modern slavery & human trafficking
At Orderly Limited, we have implemented various policies and practices that support our commitment to preventing modern slavery and human trafficking, including:
- Code of Conduct: Our Code of Conduct outlines the ethical principles that guide our business practices and sets the expectations for all employees, contractors, and suppliers.
- Human Rights Policy: This policy explicitly prohibits any form of modern slavery, human trafficking, or forced labour within our organisation and our supply chains. It also emphasises our commitment to respecting and promoting human rights in all areas of our business.
- Whistleblower Policy: Our Whistleblower Policy encourages employees and stakeholders to report any concerns or suspicions related to modern slavery or human trafficking, without fear of retaliation. We take all reports seriously and will promptly investigate any allegations to ensure appropriate action is taken.
- Supplier Code of Conduct: We expect all our suppliers and partners to adhere to our Supplier Code of Conduct, which requires them to comply with all applicable laws and regulations, including those related to human rights and modern slavery.
Risk assessment & due diligence
To effectively manage the risk of modern slavery and human trafficking in our business and supply chains, Orderly Limited conducts regular risk assessments and due diligence processes, including:
- Identifying and assessing potential risk areas within our business operations and supply chains, such as countries or industries with a higher risk of modern slavery.
- Evaluating and monitoring our suppliers and partners based on their commitment to human rights, labour practices, and adherence to our Supplier Code of Conduct.
- Conducting audits and inspections of suppliers and partners, as needed, to verify compliance with our policies and applicable laws.
- Implementing corrective action plans for any suppliers or partners found to be in violation of our policies or applicable laws, including termination of contracts in cases of severe non-compliance.
Training & awareness
Orderly Limited recognises the importance of raising awareness and providing training on modern slavery and human trafficking issues among our employees, contractors, and suppliers. To this end, we:
- Provide regular training sessions for our employees and management to ensure they understand the risks of modern slavery and human trafficking in our business and supply chains, as well as their responsibility to report any concerns or suspicions.
- Incorporate modern slavery awareness and prevention training into our induction process for new employees.
- Communicate our policies and expectations related to modern slavery and human trafficking to our suppliers and partners, and provide them with relevant training materials and resources.
- Encourage open dialogue and collaboration among employees, suppliers, and partners to share best practices and continuously improve our efforts to prevent modern slavery and human trafficking.
Performance metrics & reporting
To assess the effectiveness of our efforts to prevent modern slavery and human trafficking, Orderly Limited establishes performance metrics and monitors progress against these goals. These metrics may include:
- The number of employees trained on modern slavery and human trafficking issues.
- The number of suppliers and partners audited for compliance with our policies and applicable laws.
- The percentage of suppliers and partners who have completed relevant training and acknowledged adherence to our Supplier Code of Conduct.
- The number of incidents reported, investigated, and resolved through our Whistleblower Policy and other reporting mechanisms.
We will periodically review and update our performance metrics and reporting methods to ensure they remain relevant and effective in addressing modern slavery and human trafficking risks.